Let’s be honest – non-valuation related revision requests are a pain for you and your clients. When you are constantly under the magnifying glass, what can you do to significantly reduce the number of ...
Download the latest white paper from Joan Trice on the importance of choosing the right appraiser. This white paper will discuss best practices for the appraiser selection process. Much of the post ...
The price for membership is $4.99 per Month.
Rick Hiton is one of the Premier LEED Green Appraisers in the United States. He is the first valuation professional to complete the Executive Education for Sustainability Leadership Program, a ...
The webinar will include a brief history of Appraiser Independence Requirements as well as the agencies, rules, and regulations outlining appraiser independence requirements. Specific acts that ...
Discounts – 20% OFF ($189.80 value) Valuation Expo 14 Hour General Session CE pass until July 19th.
Want to write an article that could be featured in a newsletter to over 70,000 professionals and companies? The Appraisal Buzz Newsletter is a weekly email newsletter that features articles related to ...
It is clear most appraisers do not like to perform the analytics inherent in the Cost Approach. This may be because most appraisers simply do not appreciate its power. Consider these 10 Cost Approach ...
If we were chicken little and watching what is happening with the lenders, we might say the sky is about to fall – drying up the main source of revenue for so many appraisal companies. If your new ...
Spring of 2024 has brought an era of optomisim a we start to see the spring market start to warm up for the first time in a while. There has been a lot of shuffling in the industry this past year and ...
Appraisal software offers myriad opportunities to improve your efficiency and increase your productivity. Real estate appraisers know all too well that time is money. So ...
For years we’ve been told “The End is Near” for the appraisal industry, but none of it has come to pass. What has happened is changes to the way the appraisal industry works and how appraisers respond ...