The peculiar American coot is a somewhat common permanent resident in Oklahoma, and is this week’s featured creature.
The Carolina Wren, Thryothorus ludovicianus is a small reddish-brown wren that loves yards and neighborhoods. Wrens tend to skulk and conceal themselves, so you might not see them too often!
But night travel is not without its dangers. One of the biggest threats is light pollution from artificial lights.
Mountain chickadees in Boulder have evolved a different tune to avoid getting mixed up with their cousins, according to a new ...
ASHLAND, Kansas — In the remaining grasslands in Kansas lives the lesser prairie chicken, a stocky, quail-like bird that used ...
The $8 million federally funded project is a part of the larger effort to clean up the most polluted and degraded sites in the Great Lakes.
A journalist takes a rare trip to the Farallones, to see how the more than half a million seabirds that breed there each year ...
Bird watching is a great excuse to travel to some of the world’s most naturally beautiful and biodiverse destinations.
I’d like to shine a light on three of our less commonly encountered woodpeckers, each one with its own surprises: the ...
Hunters may be consumed with questions of when the ducks will arrive; avid birders know there’s more to migration than ...