One year on from the 7 October attack by members of Hamas’ military wing and other armed groups, the suffering of both ...
After a significant escalation of the conflict in Lebanon, the search for peace in the Middle East is more urgent than ever ...
Resources on Laudato Si', a letter from Pope Francis about caring for our common home, and Laudate Deum, a new apostolic exhortation on the climate crisis. A downloadable version of the Laudato Si' ...
Try our new virtual envelope which allows you to make your Fast Day donation online and link it to your parish. Share the link in your parish newsletter or on social media so ...
We pray for peace in our world, and an end to war. Instead of hatred, let there be love. Shelter your children and protect us. Guide us and keep us from harm, so we can build a world of love and live ...
CAFOD works with our sisters and brothers around the world so that everyone has enough water. Water is vital for life, for drinking, washing and helping things grow in the garden. By having enough ...
Mary, model of encounter, you heard God’s call. Teach us to listen deeply in our polarised world. Mary, woman of courage, you sang joyfully of God’s justice. Inspire us to challenge inequality and ...
Explore the link between climate change and poverty with our resources for primary schools. Watch these animations and use our resources. A downloadable version of the Laudato Si' poster. The poster ...
Christ our light, your love burns in our hearts and builds in us a thirst for justice. Jesus, light of the world, you taught us how to reach out to others, open our ears to the stories that beg to be ...
We pray for the Church: that she may be a sign of God’s light and goodness in our world, and a beacon of hope for the most vulnerable. Lord, in your mercy… We pray for world leaders: that, moved by ...
Use our prayer resources to pray for all people who are affected by poverty and injustice in our world. These prayers are united by their focus on seeking an end to poverty and imploring God's help so ...
Spirit of God Enlighten our hearts and minds, that we may see the faces of our sisters and brothers whose labour provides us with the food we eat, the clothes we wear and the computers, phones and ...