The University of Minnesota Climate Adaptation Partnership provides tools to help communities understand their climate risk ...
The Extension Men and Fathers team includes leaders Thao Pham, Michael Stratten and Donna Anderson as well as Lani Xiong, ...
To store seeds after they are dry, put them in paper envelopes and label them. Plastic bags can trap moisture inside the bag, ...
A Food Partner Challenge award helped Sherburne County 4-H members provide dairy products for their local food shelf with milk supplied from their own dairy farms.
Before putting away your gardening tools and embracing the cozy fall season, there’s one last important garden task: planting bulbs. Late September and early October are ideal times to plant for a ...
Are you a beginning fruit and vegetable farmer looking to improve efficiency, safety, and the quality of your fresh produce? Take advantage of new grants from the MDA to purchase infrastructure and ...
Amur maple is a MDA Specially Regulated Plant in Minnesota. Sellers must affix a label that advises buyers to only plant Amur maple and its cultivars in landscapes where the seedlings will be ...
Join us for a 4-H Leaders Council meeting! Come hang out with other 4-H families. Council meetings are held on the fourth Monday of every month, with the exception of August, November and December.
Common barberry is a MDA Prohibited noxious weed (Control List). Common barberry grows in a variety of conditions; found in dense woods, pastures, roadsides and other disturbed areas. It has ...
An end-of-year reflection about the growing season will prove helpful as you set overall goals and make management decisions for next year. Thanks to Compeer Financial, along with support to the 4-H ...
Join University of Minnesota Extension educators and Master Gardners in Wright, McLeod, and Meeker counties for this winter webinar series for beginning gardeners and homeowners. Attend as many as you ...
Workshops, webinars and other learning opportunities for horse owners and equine professionals. Horse certificate courses are self-paced on a specific topic, such as nutrition or manure management.