The advantage of the RDM approach is that an RDM draws on the overall available Aggregate Business Information Entities (ABIEs) within the UN/CEFACT Core Component Library (CCL), creating a complete ...
Bookings form an integral part of the ‘Buy-Ship-Pay’ model where the transportation of goods is not only using available capacity offered by a Transport Service Provider but binds the supply chain ...
GRVA-WS03-02.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 41.78 KB) ...
To standardise the business processes, the business transactions and the information entities for the multimodal international transport and logistics domain by producing a syntax neutral business ...
Commonwealth of Independent States, Customs Union, European Union, Regular Programme of Technical Cooperation, SPECA, UN member states, UNECE member states ...
The building sector is the largest consumer of energy in the Republic of Moldova, representing 53 per cent of final energy consumption in 2022, with public sector buildings accounting for less than ...
A new United Nations Regulation on Driver Control Assistance Systems (DCAS), adopted by the UNECE World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) at its session in March 2024, has ...
E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.3/Add.144/Amend.4 ...
2. Update on one-day Dialogue on Just Transition for Resilient Energy Systems held on 18.09.2024, during ECE Sustainable Energy Week ...
E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.3/Add.153/Rev.2/Amend.2 ...