Steam updated its shopping cart page with a banner under the ‘Continue to Payment’ button that says you only get a license ...
I should also clarify that Steam's licensing notice is in response to California Assembly Bill 2426 (AB2426), which forces digital storefronts to disclose when a purchase does not ...
After Steam started reminding its customers they're not actually owning what they buy, GOG comes swinging in like a wrecking ...
GOG responds to Steam’s license warning, highlighting that their games come with offline installers, ensuring they "cannot be ...
Ahead of new California legislation requiring storefronts to make it clear customers are only buying a license for ...
Ideas around digital game ownership are certainly about to change, as Steam is making it clear the games you pay for are ...
an indie adventure-horror game that also has a Linux version. When you're logged in on GOG just scroll down a bit and you'll see the giveaway banner allowing you to quickly claim it.